It has wispy white hair, skin with a dark reptilian green color and a mouth filled with yellow fangs. Although it often wears a tattered black Trench coat, also donning a hat after he killed its previous owner, using these to disguise itself, The Creeper on closer inspection is shown to appear quite inhuman. At first, it was thought to be some kind of demon worshiper when Darry Jenner found its self-portraits. The Creeper is a demonic monster that eats body parts of his victims every 23 years, and seems nearly invincible. Sauschlecht.I don't know if its a demon or a devil, or just some hungry thing from some dark place and time. Der Film schafft es zwar mehrmals, einen gewissen Spannungsbogen aufzubauen, doch die Weiterführung wird stets durch einen WTF Moment wieder zunichte gemacht.

Die Polizei hatte genügend Gelegenheiten, auf den Dämon zu feuern, keiner tut es, es gibt keinen sehenswerten Showdown. Die Träumerin hat es erst so wichtig, alle Fakten zu präsentieren und am Ende, wo es darauf ankäme, winkt sie einfach ab und macht nicht weiter. Haufenweise angefangene Side Plots, keiner wirklich beendet.

Mehrere interessante Ideen, keine davon konsequent umgesetzt, geschweige denn, zu Ende geführt. Harte Logikfehler, nicht sonderlich authentische Reaktionen der Protagonisten, insbesondere in Schrecksituationen. Haufenweise angefangene Side Plots, Potential, ein bisschen. Helping make up for a monster that ultimately isn't as unsettling as it first seemed. The plot is better than average and has some great character work. Some gruesome and grotesque moments combined with the strong cast make for a very entertaining horror film that isn't afraid to poke fun at longtime tropes. Luckily as the Creeper becomes less freaky, the action continues to ramp up and we begin to see just how unstoppable the creature really is. The more I saw of the Creeper, the less menacing it became. Jeepers Creepers has the opposite effect.
Sometimes shining a light on the monsters makes them even more terrifying as you get to witness all their horrific qualities in full force. As original and demented as it's title creature is in behavior and motive, it's appearance simply isn't scary. Every gruesome new detail revealed about it's sickening antagonist makes it all the more distinctive and intriguing. Their conversations about parents and relationship trouble back at school makes them feel like real people and not your typical horror fodder. Gina Philips and Justin Long make believable siblings thanks to some excellent back-and-forth banter.

We get some well-drawn characters, a unique threat in a great setting, and one psychic old lady. More so than some of the actual adaptations of his work. This feels a lot like a Stephen King story. Such as managing to make the two protagonist's misguided exploration of events they could easily have walked away from safely feel much less stupid because of their altruistic motives. There are knowing winks to genre trappings and some clever spins on typically frustrating plot-devices that make them noticeably less irritating. You can tell real-life monster Victor Salva knows his horror movies. Like how the Creeper dances over a moving car as if it's in a Japanese martial art movie or Justin Long's stupefied looks of sheer terror that are quite amusing to behold. Like how the Creeper dances over a moving car as if it's in a Japanese martial art movie or Justin Long's stupefied looks of sheer terror that are quite amusing to There is a vein of self-awareness running through Jeepers Creepers that makes some of the sillier stuff in it easier to swallow.

There is a vein of self-awareness running through Jeepers Creepers that makes some of the sillier stuff in it easier to swallow.